Upgrade Kit for Bluesound NODE (N130, N132) and NODE X 10th Anniversary Edition (N131) devices.
This Kit contains:
– LPSU interface
– external low ripple Meanwell SMPSU in medical standard
Compared to the factory power supply, this kit offers a over 80-times noise reduction – from 16000uV to 190uV AC RMS.
It has a built-in filter that offers additional power supply noise suppression. The set can be later enriched with a dedicated linear power supply
- fuller sound, darker background, more space and details
- more better controlled low tones
- less harsh sounds at high frequencies
- fully compatible with Node gen.3 design and operation
- removes SMPSU EMI/RFI sources from inside device
- voltage stabilization with overvoltage protection
- ultra low ESR Panasonic and hybrid-polymer Panasonic/Kemet capacitors combined for better transient response speed
- shielded chokes with increased inductance, three-stage set of C/LC/LC filters for better damping of voltage ripple and noise
- total capacity increased to 19000uF
- anti-dust AC socket cover
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Absolutely super. Easy to fit. Turned on and instant improvement. Clarity, depth, focused soundstage. Don’t contemplate upgrading until you’ve given this a try. Honestly, I’m not going to bother now. DAC inside Node sounds improved, but USB output into Schiit Modi Multibit is sweet.
Hier nun meine 2te Bewertung, für den Umbau den ich am Node X meines alten Freundes Christian gemacht habe.
Er ist begeistert und hat mir, noch in der Nacht bis morgens, Nachrichten geschrieben wie überrascht und zufrieden
er mit der „Weiterentwicklung“ seines Node X ist. Diverse seiner Problemstücke seien jetzt nicht mehr nervig, vielmehr
absolut hörbar bis mitreißend.
Wir haben beide aufgerüsteten nodes bei mir angeschlossen und verglichen.
Der Unterschied zwischen node x und 130i, viel äußerst gering aus. Das hat ihn (glaube ich) etwas geärgert, mich nicht 😉
Entgegen meiner Vermutung das der klangliche Unterschied sich nicht so bemerkbar macht, es tut sich mehr als erwartet. Er löst anders auf.
Es gibt mehr Tiefe und Breite, mehr Details, trockenere Bässe, insgesamt ein mehr als deutlicher Zugewinn an Klangumfang und einen Freund
der jetzt in seinen node x auch unbedingt nachrüsten will. Ich hatte Ihm von der Aufrüstung nix gesagt und nach weigen Minuten hat er mich
gefragt was ich geändert hätte… wo der andere Streamer stehen würde. 😁
Der Einbau ist recht einfach, schnell gemacht und dazu gut in der bebilderten Anleitung beschrieben. Wenn auch nicht in deutscher Sprache.
Platine, Rahmen und Verschlusskappe passen hervorragend und lassen sich einfach montieren. Absolut empfehlenswert.
Gutes Produkt
Superb! A must do upgrade to an already outstanding N130. Trust in what you have read, you will not be disappointed.
Module interface et alimentation Mean Well pour mon Node N130 ont été reçus rapidement et étaient très bien emballés. La communication est très réactive avec PD Creative.
L’installation est relativement simple avec les indications fournies. La fermeture du boîtier mérite tout-de-même attention et délicatesse (ne surtout pas s’énerver…)
Après mise en route et sur des morceaux que je connais très bien, j’ai immédiatement constaté un registre grave plus net avec davantage de présence.
Un peu plus tard dans mes écoutes, il s’avère que l’aigu me semble plus soyeux et un scène mieux étagée en profondeur.
Finalement cette petite alimentation SMPS Mean Well s’avère déjà très bonne et remplit superbement son rôle. A tel point que je me demande maintenant si je vais acquérir une LPS plus encombrante…
Je suis donc très satisfait de cette nouvelle alimentation pour mon Node N130 qui m’apporte une amélioration musicale incontestable.
Je remercie encore vivement PD Creative pour cet excellent produit.
Super fast shipping. Incredible sound improvement. High quality. Very friendly contact and quick response. 100% recommendation from my side.
Bin eigentlich immer ein recht skeptischer Mensch aber was da nach den ersten tönen für ein unterschied zu hören ist, lässt einen an seinem Verstand zweifeln.
Man kapiert nicht, wie das funktioniert. Und es glaubt einem niemand.
Kette ist ein atoll in 200 signature mit da200 mit inakustik Verkabelung an tannoy turnberry.
Klang vorher schon recht passabel.
Aber was dieses kit mit meinem Sound macht ist unglaublich!
Dynamik, Rabenschwarzer bass. Pulvertrocken. Kontrolliert. Eine Ausarbeitung und Klarheit der Mitte, die ihresgleichen sucht.
Eine Staffelung und lösen des klangs wie ich es vorher nicht annähernd hatte.
Man begreift es erst, wenn man es hört.
Dabei habe ich “nur” das kleine kit!
Das macht aus einem bluesound klanglich einen 1500 Euro streamer.
Jeder der zweifelt:
Versucht es!
Man wird nicht enttäuscht
Ordering was simple and the package arrived quickly. It was well wrapped with the circuit board and the SMPSU in sturdy boxes with bubble wrap. Installing into my Node X was easy, with the hardest bit being closing the case at the end: it took a bit of force, but I took the time to make sure everything was lined up so that was OK.
Before installing it I had done some A/B testing with my CD player (Ayre CX-7e MP) and although the Node-X was good the CD player was clearly better. But with the new PSU installed it’s really hard to say. The Ayre is maybe a bit fuller in the midrange but they are now slightly different rather than one clearly better than the other. It’s difficult to do a proper comparison now as they are quite similar in sound but the Node’s volume is lower than the Ayre (BS say this is by design) so I need to try to match the volumes while swapping between them. I’m playing them both through a Luxman L-505u amp and B&W Matrix 802s3 speakers.
For the price this upgrade seems to be a “no-brainer”. The only reason I didn’t go for the Super Low noise version was because I didn’t really have room for the extra box, but I have no doubt it is better still.
habe mir den Node 130 erst vor kurzen angeschafft und hatte mir schon überlegt das Gerät das ich als reinen Streamer in einer Kette betreibe, wegen schrillen und donnernden Klang zurückzugeben.
Nach einiger Suche im Netz bin ich auf die Seite von “PD Creative” gestoßen und ich war doch schon sehr überrascht über die sehr schnelle Lieferung.
Der Umbau ist kein Hexenwerk und das Ergebnis ist überraschend: schon von der ersten Minute an sind die giftigen Höhen und der donnernde Bass verschwunden, der Klang ist nun sehr natürlich.
Werde mir zur gegeben Zeit das größere Netzteil bei PD Creative bestellen.
Danke für das hervorragende Produkt!
– communication and shipping are excellent
– excellent price/value ratio
– quality construction
– the change can also be heard in the sound quality
– worth the investment
Thank you PD Creative!
I bought the low noise interface + SMPSU second hand from a swiss HIFI dealer. The instalation was quickly done, due to the instructions. After a short time listening to some of my favorite music I can say – the sound improved throughout. I’m very curious how much difference the ultra low nois PSU will make. Thanks to the PD Creative Team….and the swiss dealer selling the interface again after testing it.
First of all, I ordered this kit Sunday and I received it this Thursday (I’m living in France), very fast shipping.
I read a lot about this mod and was sceptical about it but I have to admit that the difference is really noticeable, in a the great way. The installation was not difficult, you just have to be cautious.
I felt the difference in the first notes after installation. The sound is deeper and more detailed. Bass are more present and firm. Medium are detailed and the treble less harsh (which is really appreciable).
Well worth the investment.
Prawie dwa miesiące temu zakupiłem u p. Pawła i zainstalowałem w Bluesound Node 2021 (gen.3) – zestaw z zasilaczem SMPSU. Już pierwszy odsłuch w Tidalu płyty znakomicie nagranej John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman a zaraz następnej Dominika Wania Twilight pokazał odczuwalną różnicę jakości dźwięku. Bas pełniejszy, mniej rozlazły.
Natomiast średnie i wysokie bardziej szczegółowe ale jednocześnie przyjemniejsze dla ucha. Gorąco polecam
Absolutely brilliant, opened the sound up on my node n130 lovely.
I was sceptical about how this could make a difference but it really does.
Thanks very much 👍👍
I’ll start off with the order process:
Super easy and excellent communication. I mistakenly ordered the Super Low Noise bundle but missed the note that it was 220-240 volt only. PD was quick to email me that they cancelled my order and alert me to my mistake as my order was being shipped to Canada. I then ordered the Low Noise bundle that includes the MeanWell SMPSU. Maybe in the future PD will release a 110V version of the high end LPSU.
My order was shipped the day I ordered and was delivered in 6 business days to Toronto. Everything was packaged well and arrived unscathed.
Build quality of the board is excellent…….absolutely nothing “DIY” about it as some components can often be from other small niche companies. Install was a breeze with the excellent instructions provided. Took me all of 15mins taking my time and being overly cautious. After my Node was back together and hooked up I then let my Node run playing music in a loop for 24hrs to burn in the board and the MeanWell SMPSU before listening.
I primarily use my Node as a transport for music listening in my headphone rig feeding a Schiit Bifrost 2/64 DAC via USB. Some folks claim using an outboard DAC makes this upgrade redundant. I can’t speak to the experience of others obviously but in my system it made a noticeable improvement. The first thing that grabbed my attention was the soundstage. It was bigger in width/height and placement of individual sounds was more easily discerned. Second thing that stood out was the treble was smoother. My system had a slight “etch” to the highs on some music that was now gone. Bass has a little bit more heft and punch and more easily discerned texture and mids (notably vocals) seem more clear. Lastly is just how quiet the background is……it’s dead quiet. The easiest way I can sum up this upgrade is this: With the stock PSU it’s like listening to your music through a a window that’s got a slight film on it. The PD Creative PSU wipes the window clean and just makes everything clear and easier to perceive.
I’m really amazed at the difference it made to be honest. The Bluesound Node is a great device with a terrific user interface that is held back from being a legit Hi-Fi piece by the choice to put a $5 PSU in it. I can’t bash them for that as they are in the business of making a profit and the vast majority of folks who buy one will think it’s great and sounds perfectly fine as is. But if you have a more revealing system and really care about making your audio sound as good as your budget allows it can certainly be improved and this kit is just the ticket. I’d imagine that improvement would take another step with a good Linear PSU.
IMHO this upgrade is a no brainer and PD should be applauded for making this well designed/built product available at such a reasonable cost. Highly recommended!
Bluesound Node 2021 (gen.3)
Besten Dank, für die schnelle Lieferung in die Schweiz. Der umbau war unkompliziert.
Und ich bin nach 2 Stunden Musik höhren, einfach nur begeistert. Was diesr Bluesound Node 130 leistet, mit dem neuen Netzteil von PD Creativ. Es hat sich 100% gelohnt.
Werde zu einem spätern Zeitpunkt, noch das besser Netzteil kaufen. Das PD Creativ anbietet.
Herzliche Grüsse aus Der Schweiz
Well engineered and good product, small investment for an improvement in sound quality.
Thank you for the quick shipping and service, very easy to do business with.
Terrific product. Installation was quick and straight-forward, the instructions were excellent.
Sound is noticeably improved. Details are easier to hear, noise floor is lower, and the sound is more relaxed.
Soundstage is wider and deeper, tone is excellent.
I will be trying an R-core linear power supply later, but already VERY happy with this purchase.
Shipping was blazing fast.
If someone had suggested that upgrading the power supply would have made such a difference, I would not have believed them.
Simply extraordinary, the streamer has gone next level, it’s an absolute joy to listen to, it lights up my ears, just looking forward to our groups next music night to show it off.
I am electrical engineer, hifi hobbist for many years. Setup: N130 is connected to Atoll IN200 and Wharfedale evo 4.2, Supra cables. Main setup is Quadral Aurum Gamma, Oppo. Trigger to test: succesful upgrade of my Oppo player with a linear PSU (not from PD, few years ago). PD service – perfect: fast reply, uncomplicated, constructive (at first i ordered the wrong part), very fast shipment. Upgrade: well engineered, excellent instructions, easy to install, perfect fit in every regard. Effect: big, for me easily noticable and worth every cent – both with Toslink and analog connections. I am very happy, curious and “afraid” that i will soon go for the ultra low noise PSU …
Polecam każdemu wielbicielowi muzyki.
Firma Pana Pawła to pełna profeska 🙂
Po zakupie Node grał ledwie zadowalająco, sklepie audio doradzono mi wymianę zasilacza, powiem szczerze, jestem raczej laikiem w temacie i nie byłem co do tego przekonany. Pogrzebałem w necie i zamówiłem u Pana Pawła,
no i rewelacja !!!
Node dostał jakby drugie życie, teraz to jest naprawdę fajny sprzęt, uważam, że relacja ceny do jakości (po wymianie zasilacza) jest rewelacyjna.
Node (gen.3) + Creek Evo2 + Dali Ikon 6
I’ve just received today my LPSU interface and MeanWell power supply for my Bluesound Node n130. I’m using the Node as a streamer only, paired with a Topping D70s DAC via USB (Supra cable). At first, immediately after the installation, I’ve found the sound to be more detailed, but a little bright for my taste. I left the Node alone in stand-buy for about 3 hours, and after that short burn-in period I returned to it and I was blown away. Greater soundstage, darker background and overall much less listening fatigue compaired to the OEM power supply. So I’m very happy with it. Many thanks. The new sound of my Node is incredible and I love it.
What a great little upgrade – really easy to install, great engineering, works beautifully! Shipping was literally same day.
Can’t say I can hear any difference in sound though – maybe that’s because I use external DAC.
A week has passed since I put the Polish module on Node, with the SMPSU bundle delivered. This is honestly the biggest qualitative leap in terms of investment!
I received and easily mounted the update for node 2021
I am writing to congratulate, i didn’t believe it but the improvements in clarity and depth of sound are spectacular.
Thank you
The improvement is clear and audible even with the external DAC
I just installera this upgrade.
And I just dont know what happens with the sound its clearer and the bass is better, its just sounds so different.
Thanks for a fine produkt.